Media Coverage List
Book / Magazine
Date | May 12, 2016 | Name | Kousuke Fujishima |
The challenge of human - The Mars VS The deep sea | |||
Kodomono-kagaku |
Date | February 23, 2016 | Name | Takayuki Saitoh (help develop) |
決してマネしないでください。(3) (Translation: Please never imitate it. Vol.3) | |||
Morning KC Comic |
Date | February 5, 2016 | Name | Kei Hirose |
<News Watch>人類の根源的な問いに挑む (Translation: News Watch; Challenge to the primordial question of humanity) | |||
Date | February 5, 2016 | Name | Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI) |
<News in Japan>生命誕生のカギを宇宙に探す新拠点誕生! (Translation: News in Japan; Will Phobos Create a Ring Around Mars?) | |||
Nature Digest, pp20 - 21, Volume 13 No 2 |
Date | January 26, 2016 | Name | Hidenori Genda |
<FOCUS>火星に「リング」が出現する? (Translation: FOCUS; Will Phobos Create a Ring Around Mars?) | |||
Newton No.3, Newton Press |
Date | January 14, 2016 | Name | Joseph L. Kirschvink |
生物はなぜ誕生したのか: 生命の起源と進化の最新科学 (Translation: Japanese translated edition; A New History of Life: The Radical New Discoveries About the Origins and Evolution of Life on Earth) | |||
Kawade Shobo Shinsha Publishers inc. |
Date | January 6, 2016 | Name | Kei Hirose |
<新・リーダーの条件>日本を元気にする逸材125人 (Translation: Future leaders; 125 people of talented player Makes Japan Lively) | |||
The Bungei‐Shunju for February, Bungeishunju Ltd. |
Date | January 1, 2016 | Name | Kei Hirose |
<特集:かく> 地球中心核 ―ダイヤモンドで地球の金属核を解明― (Translation: Special interview; The Earth's Core) | |||
Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Koushou, No.65 |
Date | January 1, 2016 | Name | Shigeru Ida |
<科学/宇宙/近未来>地球中心主義からの解放 (Translation: Science / Universe / Near future; Liberation from Earthcentrism) | |||
Eureka, Seidosha.,Inc. |
Date | January 1, 2016 | Name | Yutetsu Kuruma |
<クローズアップ実験法> PUREシステムを用いた膜タンパク質の無細胞合成 (Translation: Experimental Methods Highlights; The PURE system for the cell-free synthesis of membrane proteins) | |||
Experimental medicine, February 2016 issue, Vol.34, No.3, Yodosha Co.,Ltd. |