About ELSI



2009 The program called "From the Earth to 'Earths'" was selected as a Global COE Program of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) aimed at providing focused support for formation of superior international educational research centers. The program became the predecessor of the Earth-Life Science Institute (ELSI).
October, 2012 ELSI was selected as one of the nine research centers designated in the World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI) by the MEXT.
December, 2012 ELSI was established in Ookayama Campus.
March, 2013 The first international symposium was held at ELSI in Ookayama Campus.
March, 2014 The second international symposium was held at ELSI in Hitotsubashi Hall.
July, 2014 The homepage has been redesigned.
August, 2014 The first summer school was held at ELSI in Ishikawadai Campus.
February, 2015
The construction of the new ELSI building will be completed in Ookayama Campus.

As of August,2014