Public Lectures
Invited Lecture
The 4th ELSI International Symposium
January 15, 2016
Are we really from Tharsis? An analysis of the electrochemical environment of early Martian high-altitude glaciers during late Naochian time.
Joseph L. Kirschvink -
Invited Lecture
The 4th ELSI International Symposium
January 15, 2016
Disequilibrium of prebiotic atmosphere: C-H-O systems and role of water
Yuichiro Ueno -
Invited Lecture
The 4th ELSI International Symposium
January 13, 2016
Giant impacts and early evolution of terrestrial planets
Hidenori Genda -
Invited Lecture
The 4th ELSI International Symposium
January 12, 2016
Planet Formation and Origins of H2O, C & N on the Earth
Shigeru Ida -
Invited Lecture
1st Kavli IPMU-ELSI Joint Public Lecture "Question of Origins"
January 10, 2016
地球の起源と生命の誕生 (Translation: The origin of life and Earth)
Kei Hirose
Date | July 16, 2014 | Name | Joseph L. Kirschvink |
Mars vs. Earth - planetary constraints on the origins of life | |||
Tokyo Tech Inspiring Lecture Series1, Origins:Earth and Life -Science at ELSI-, Kuramae-hall, Tokyo, Japan |
Date | July 16, 2014 | Name | Jack W. Szostak |
The origin of cellular life | |||
Tokyo Tech Inspiring Lecture Series1, Origins:Earth and Life -Science at ELSI-, Kuramae-hall, Tokyo, Japan |
Date | July 6 - July 11, 2014 | Name | Jack Szostak, W. |
Non-enzymatic RNA replication and the Origin of Life | |||
ORIGINS2014, Nara-ken New Public Hall, Nara, Japan |
Date | June 22-28, 2014 | Name | Yusuke Tsukatani |
Chlorophyllide a oxidoreductase catalyzes the formation of an ethylidene group of bacteriochlorophyll b. | |||
8th International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, Istanbul, Turkey |
Date | June 13, 2014 | Name | Jun Kimura |
Satellites in the Solar System: Icy worlds and expectation for extraterrestrial habitats | |||
Special lecture on Space sciences at Musashino Art University |
Date | 2014 | Name | |
世代高性能計算機への昨今動き+ 今後の計算機と計算科学--なぜ我々は7年前の間違いを繰り返{す、した}のか | |||
計算惑星科学シンポジウム@石垣島 |
Date | May 13, 2013 | Name | |
計算機に関する政策科学技術イノベーション政策のための科学実例 2013/6/10 京の威力で「見えない宇宙」の正体に迫る -- ダークマターの超大規模シミュレーション | |||
京コンピュータ・シンポジウム2013 |
Date | 2014 | Name | |
ポスト「京」プロジェクトハードウェア概要 理研和光ーAICS合同シンポジウム「京、ポスト京と基礎物理」 |
Date | November 2013 | Name | |
"Physiological and isotopic characteristics of nitrogen fixation by hyperthermophilic and thermophilic methanogens: Insight into nitrogen anabolism of the subseafloor microbial communities in the early Earth" | |||
The International Biogeoscience Conference Nagoya |
Date | October 2013 | Name | |
"Amoeba-inspired Beyond-Neumann Computing: Solving Intractable Computational Problems using Nanoscale Photoexcitation Transfer Dynamics," | |||
Swiss-Japanese Workshop on Light and Matter on the Nanoscale, Lausanne, Switzerland Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) |