


日付 April 2014 氏名 Shinji Masuda
Photosensory Receptors & Signal Transduction
Gordon Research Conferences
日付 March 24 - March 26, 2014 氏名 Masashi Aono
Amoeba-inspired heuristic search dynamics for exploring the origins of life
The 2nd ELSI (Earth-Life Science Institute) International Symposium, Tokyo, Japan
日付 March 24 - March 26, 2014 氏名 Yutetsu Kuruma
Creation of possible living organisms to study an early life
The 2nd ELSI (Earth-Life Science Institute) International Symposium, Tokyo, Japan
日付 March 19 - March 22, 2014 氏名 斎藤 貴之(平居悠 (東大), 日高潤 (国立天文台), 斎藤貴之(東工大), 藤井通子(国立天文台), 柴垣翔太(東大), Grant J. Mathews (ノートルダム大, 国立天文台), 梶野敏貴 (国立天文台, 東大))
日付 March 19 - March 22, 2014 氏名 Yoshitomo Maeda, Takayuki Hayashi , Ryo Iizuka (ISAS/JAXA), Hiroshi Murakami (Tohoku Gakuin University), Masayoshi Nobukawa (Kyoto University), Takayuki Saitoh (Tokyo Institute of Technology) 他 the Suzaku Sgr A* collaborations
Suzaku By-Week Monitoring of the Galactic Center Sgr A* in X-rays
日付 March 18 - March 20, 2014 氏名 Tsukatani, Y., Harada, J., Nomata, J., Mizoguchi, T., Fujita, Y., and Tamiaki, H.
Chlorophyllide a oxidoreductase of Blastochloris viridis enables Rhodobacter sphaeroides to produce bacteriochlorophyll b.
55th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists, Toyama, Japan​
日付 March 2014 氏名
The Oceanographic Society of Japan Spring Meeting
日付 February 16 - February 22, 2014 氏名 Takayuki R. Saitoh
A Density Independent SPH The Impact of Galactic Structure on Star Formation
Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo, Japan
日付 December 2013 氏名
"Photometric Variability of Solar System Solid Objects: Implications for Rocky/Icy Exoplanets"
Exoplanets and Disks: Their Formation and Diversity II, USA
日付 December 2013 氏名
"The naked planet Earth: Most essential pre-requisite for the origin and evolution of life"
American Geophysical Union, San Francisco