日付 時間 場所 グループ 7/11(金) 15:30- I2-315 SG1 - Review of formation of asteroid belt by Junko Kominami 7/ 9(水) 13:00- I6-404A SG2 7/ 8(火) 13:30- I2-315 SG5 -Presentation of Chapter 3: the geologic evolution of the Earth - by Shige Maruyama 7/ 5(土) 13:30- I2-315 SG5 - Continued presentation on part 2 of Chapter 2: Geologic evolution of the solar system - the icy satellites by Jun Kimura - Presentation of part 1- terrestrial planets by James Dohm 7/ 4(金) 10:20- I6-404A SG4 10:20-12:00 Lecture and discussion on planetary formation on early Earth by Dr. Hidenori Genda (ELSI, Tokyo Tech.) 12:00-13:00 Lunch 13:00-15:00 Lecture on chondrite and geochemistry by Dr. Tetsuya Yokoyama (Dept. EPS, Tokyo Tech.) 15:00-16:00 Private discussion (only for core members)