日付 | 時間 | 場所 | グループ | |
6/ 4(水) | 10:30- | Ehime Univ. |
SG4 | meeting room 161 on the first floor, sogokenkyu-bld 1 (circle 12 in the map in the following URL) http://www.ehime-u.ac.jp/access/johoku/facilities.html Program: 10:30-10:50 Opening remarks (Irifune) 10:50-12:50 Naked planet Earth (Maruyama) 12:50-13:50 Lunch 13:50-16:00 Discussion (Chair: Ichikawa and Greaux and Kawai?) |
5/30(金) | 15:30- | I2-315 |
SG1 | Mars' hydrological past (Dohm) |
5/28(水) | 13:00- | ELSI-1F refresh room |
SG2 | Assoc. Prof. Hayashi and Assist. Prof. Yano (both from Prof. Hara's lab.) will introduce us their available experimental instruments and techniques. |
5/16(金) | 15:30- | I2-315 |
SG1 | D/H of building blocks (Ueno) |
5/ 9(金) | 15:30- | I2-315 |
SG3 | 1) overview talk from geological/geochemical viewpoint (Ueno) 2) overview talk from biological viewpoint (Masuda) |