Public Lectures
Invited Lecture
The 4th ELSI International Symposium
January 15, 2016
Are we really from Tharsis? An analysis of the electrochemical environment of early Martian high-altitude glaciers during late Naochian time.
Joseph L. Kirschvink -
Invited Lecture
The 4th ELSI International Symposium
January 15, 2016
Disequilibrium of prebiotic atmosphere: C-H-O systems and role of water
Yuichiro Ueno -
Invited Lecture
The 4th ELSI International Symposium
January 13, 2016
Giant impacts and early evolution of terrestrial planets
Hidenori Genda -
Invited Lecture
The 4th ELSI International Symposium
January 12, 2016
Planet Formation and Origins of H2O, C & N on the Earth
Shigeru Ida -
Invited Lecture
1st Kavli IPMU-ELSI Joint Public Lecture "Question of Origins"
January 10, 2016
地球の起源と生命の誕生 (Translation: The origin of life and Earth)
Kei Hirose
Date | October 2013 | Name | |
"From Origin of life to systematization of Astrobiology" | |||
Theoretical Science Colloquium, Tokyo |
Date | October 2013 | Name | |
"Intra-molecular isotope distribution as a cutting edge aspect of the isotope substitutions" | |||
SIBAE INTRA WORKSHOP 2013, U. Nantes, France |
Date | 2013 | Name | |
Exascale computers ?/Can we believe SPH simulations of Giant Impact? Science as Method and Methodology for Problems on the Earth and Life, Sep 15-17, Nagoya, Japan |
Date | September 2013 | Name | |
N-body and SPH Simulations of the Formation of the Terrestrial Planets and Moon | |||
Buckinghamshire, UK |
Date | September 2013 | Name | |
"Surface geology and interior structure of the Jovian icy moons" | |||
Mini workshop on the Solar System small objects, Tokyo |
Date | September 6, 2013 | Name | |
エクサスケールシステムに向けて -- 分散メモリ超並列アーキテクチャの復活 | |||
第5回アクセラレーション技術発表討論会(第2種研究会) |
Date | Aug 7-8 2013 | Name | |
Exascale computers in -- 2019? Large-Scale simulation of Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems: | |||
Kobe 2013 Summer Workshop, Kobe, Japan |
Date | July 18, 2013 | Name | |
ナノフォトニクスシンポジウム「ナノフォトニクスにおける複雑性・多様性と機能」, "ナノ光励起移動の時空間ダイナミクスによる組合せ最適化問題解探索アルゴリズムの実装" | |||
慶應義塾大学 日吉キャンパス 来往舎, 横浜市 |
Date | July 2013 | Name | |
"Planet Population Synthesis" | |||
Protostars and Planets VII, Heidelberg |
Date | June 2013 | Name | |
"Wide separation planets and their implications for planet formation theory" | |||
From exoplanets to distant galaxies: SPICA Sci. Conf., Tokyo |