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For press
June 1, 2016
Interview about Astrobiology
Kousuke Fujishima
Book / Magazine
May 12, 2016
The challenge of human - The Mars VS The deep sea
Kousuke Fujishima
Media Coverage List
NHK BS premium
April 22, 2016
Cosmic front NEXT The mystery of the globular cluster
Takayuki Saitoh
The Conversation
March 24, 2016
Dramatic change in the moon's tilt may help us trace the origin of water on Earth
Matthieu Laneuville
The Australian, Higher Education
March 24, 2016
Tipsy moon shows a new face
Matthieu Laneuville
Date December 27, 2015 Name Ken Takai
研究ノートは書き込みが重要 科学者が活用術披露 (Translation: The important thing is to write in notebook)
The Kyoto Shimbun [web]
Date November 24, 2015 Name Kei Hirose
Liquid acoustics half way to the Earth's core
Date November 23, 2015 Name Naohiko Okouchi
<本よみうり堂>書評 『地球の履歴書』大河内直彦著 (Translation: Book review; Resume of the Earth)
Date November 18, 2015 Name Koichiro Umemoto
Researchers provide a unified explanation of changes in volume of ice
Date October 23, 2015 Name Ken Kurokawa
i Catch; "Dissolved hydrogen" in Hakuba-Happo Onsen
FujiSankei Business i
Date October 5, 2015 Name George Helffrich
Ancient megatsunami hurled boulders nearly as high as Eiffel Tower Boulder tossed by tsunami
Chicago Tribune
Date October 5, 2015 Name George Helffrich
Ancient Tsunami Was Nearly As Tall As The Eiffel Tower, Scientists Say
Huffington Post
Date October 5, 2015 Name George Helffrich
The tsunami that engulfed an island
Date October 4, 2015 Name George Helffrich
Scientists discover huge tsunami 73,000 years ago. Could it happen again?
Christian Science Monitor
Date October 3, 2015 Name George Helffrich
A massive tsunami as tall as the Shard overwhelmed the Cape Verde islands 73,000 years ago