Media Coverage List
- Others
June 1, 2016
Interview about Astrobiology
Kousuke Fujishima - Book / Magazine
May 12, 2016
The challenge of human - The Mars VS The deep sea
Kousuke Fujishima - Media Coverage List
NHK BS premium
April 22, 2016
Cosmic front NEXT The mystery of the globular cluster
Takayuki Saitoh - Others
The Conversation
March 24, 2016
Dramatic change in the moon's tilt may help us trace the origin of water on Earth
Matthieu Laneuville - Others
The Australian, Higher Education
March 24, 2016
Tipsy moon shows a new face
Matthieu Laneuville
Date | March 23, 2016 | Name | Matthieu Laneuville |
Moon's lack of water down to ancient shift in its spin axis | |||
New Scientist |
Date | February 23, 2016 | Name | Betül Kacar |
Reconstructing Evolution: A Molecular Time Machine | |||
Science for the Public |
Date | February 21, 2016 | Name | Joseph L. Kirschvink |
"Evolutionary Big Bang" --Triggered By Wholesale Relocation of Earth's Continents 520 Million Years Ago | |||
The Daily Galaxy |
Date | February 20, 2016 | Name | Joseph L. Kirschvink |
<今週のHONZ> 生命進化の歴史は地球の環境から読み解ける (Translation: This week's HONZ; The Radical New Discoveries About the Origins and Evolution of Life on Earth) | |||
Toyokeizai ONLINE |
Date | February 15, 2016 | Name | Jun Kimura |
<特集インタビュー> 氷衛星の研究 (Translation: Special interview; Research into the icy moons) | |||
TELSTAR vol.9 |
Date | February 14, 2016 | Name | Chaitanya Giri |
So Meteor Strikes Are Rare? India Has Had Numerous Hits in the Past 15 Years | |||
The Indian Express |
Date | February 12, 2016 | Name | Kosuke Fujishima |
<宇宙ビジネスの新潮流>「地球外生命体」と「火星移住」を研究する日本人を知ってますか?(Translation: New trend in commercial space exploration; Do you know a Japanese person who researches "Extraterrestrial life" and "the colonization of Mars"?) | |||
ITmedia business online |
Date | January 25, 2016 | Name | Chaitanya Giri |
Why comets appear black? Indian-led scientists' group finally finds answer | |||
NewsGram |
Date | January 15, 2016 | Name | Tomohiko Sato |
研究者が選ぶ! 好きな○○ ベスト3 (Translation: My favorite ○○'s best 3 -A researcher chooses!- ) | |||
MyNavi News |
Date | January 4, 2016 | Name | Jim Cleaves |
The Search for the Origin of Life [Excerpt] | |||
Scientific American |