
Research Highlights

A-PI Yuka Fujii's study was published in the Astrophysical Journal on October 17, 2017

A-PI Yuka Fujii's study was published in the Astrophysi...

A-PI Yuka Fujii's study was published in the Astrophysical Journal on ...
PI Shawn McGlynn's study appeared online in Geobiology on October 16, 2017

PI Shawn McGlynn's study appeared online in Geobiology ...

PI Shawn McGlynn's new article on iron metabolisms in a Japanese hot s...
The best ingredients for life

The best ingredients for life

Computational chemistry provides insights into how the building blocks...
Building artificial cells

Building artificial cells

Assembling the essential components of living systems within simple ce...
Intermediate-depth earthquakes linked to localized heating in dunite and harzburgite

Intermediate-depth earthquakes linked to localized heat...

A team of researchers at Ehime University Geodynamics Research Center ...