public-lectures 口頭発表|ELSI





講演 / 招待講演
January 15, 2016
Are we really from Tharsis? An analysis of the electrochemical environment of early Martian high-altitude glaciers during late Naochian time.
Joseph L. Kirschvink
講演 / 招待講演
January 15, 2016
Disequilibrium of prebiotic atmosphere: C-H-O systems and role of water
上野 雄一郎
講演 / 招待講演
January 13, 2016
Giant impacts and early evolution of terrestrial planets
玄田 英典
講演 / 招待講演
January 12, 2016
Planet Formation and Origins of H2O, C & N on the Earth
井田 茂
講演 / 招待講演
ELSI/Kavli IPMU 合同一般講演会「起源への問い」 (日本科学未来館 未来館ホール)
January 10, 2016
廣瀬 敬
日付 May 2013 氏名
"Origin of life: Six environmental requirements to bear life"
Japan Geoscience Union, Chiba
日付 May 2013 氏名
"Origin of life: Mechanism of leaking Earth: Fate of cooling Earth"
apan Geoscience Union, Chiba,
日付 May 2013 氏名
"Leaking Earth: An ultimate trigger of the Cambrian explosion"
Japan Geoscience Union, Chiba
日付 May 2013 氏名
"M=9.0 Tohoku Earthquake and tsunami: a new interpretation"
Japan Geoscience Union, Chiba
日付 May, 2013 氏名
"Growth kinetics of MgSiO3 perovskite reaction rim up to 50 GPa"
Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, Chiba, Japan
日付 May 2013 氏名
"Planetary tectonics: A new tool to judge the presence or absence of life on planets"
International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2013, Chiba
日付 May 2013 氏名
"Another Earth"
International Symposium on Remote Sensing 2013, Chiba
日付 May 2013 氏名
"Planetary Tectonic System (#1) for Life
Asia Oceania Geoscience Society, Brisbane
日付 May 2013 氏名
JpGU Meeting 2013, Makuhari
日付 May 2013 氏名
"SO2 photoexcitation mechanism links sulfur MIF in polar sulfate to climate-impacting Volcanism"
JpGU Meeting 2013, Makuhari