井田 茂

- 氏 名
- 井田 茂
- 役 職
- 主任研究者(副所長、教授)
- 専門分野
- 惑星形成論
- ida_at_elsi.jp
ida_at_geo.titech.ac.jp - TEL
- 03-5734-2620
1.Ida, S., Lin, D. N. C. & Nagasawa, M. 2013. Toward a Deterministic Model of Planetary Formation. VII. Eccentricity Distribution of Gas Giants Astrophys. J. 775, article id. 42, 25 pp.Hasegawa, Y. & Ida, S. 2013, Do Giant Planets Survive Type II Migration? Astrophys. J. 774, article id. 146, 9 pp.
2.Nagasawa, M., Ida, S. & Bessho, T. 2008. Formation of Hot Planets by a Combination of Planet Scattering, Tidal Circularization, and the Kozai Mechanism. Astrophys. J. 678, 498-508
3.Ida, S. & D. N. C. Lin 2004. Toward a Deterministic Model of Planetary Formation. I. a Desert in the Mass and Semi Major Axis Distributions of Extra Solar Planets. Astrophys. J. 604, 388-413.
4.Kokubo, E. and S. Ida 1998. Oligarchic growth of protoplanets. Icarus 131, 171-178.
5.Ida, S., R. M. Canup, and G. R. Stewart, 1997. Lunar accretion from an impact-generated disk. Nature 389, 353-357.
6.Chushiro Hayashi prize, 2006: Theoretical study of planet formation