斎藤 貴之

- 氏 名
- 斎藤 貴之
- 役 職
- Affiliated Scientist(神戸大学)
- 専門分野
- 銀河形成
- saitoh_at_elsi.jp
1.Saitoh, Takayuki R.; Makino, Junichiro; Asaki, Yoshiharu; Baba, Junichi; Komugi, Shinya; Miyoshi, Makoto; Nagao, Tohru; Takahashi, Masaaki; Takeda, Takaaki; Tsuboi, Masato; Wakamatsu, Ken-ichi Flaring up of the compact cloud G2 during the close encounter with Sgr A* Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, Volume 66, Issue 1, id.1 2014
2.Inoue, Shigeki; Saitoh, Takayuki R. Properties of thick discs formed in clumpy galaxies Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 441,
Issue 1, p.243-255 2014
3. Saitoh, T. R., Daisaka, H., Kokubo, E., Makino, J., Okamoto, T., Tomisaka,
K., Wada, K., and Yoshida, N. (2008) “Toward First-Principle Simulations of
Galaxy Formation: I. How Should We Choose Star-Formation Criteria in
High-Resolution Simulations of Disk Galaxies?”, PASJ, 60, 667-.
4. Saitoh, T. R. and Makino, J. (2009) “A Necessary Condition for Individual
Time Steps in SPH Simulations”, ApJ, 697, L99-L102.
5. Saitoh, T. R., Daisaka, H., Kokubo, E., Makino, J., Okamoto, T., Tomisaka,
K., Wada, K., and Yoshida, N. (2009) “Toward First-Principle Simulations of
Galaxy Formation: II. Shock-Induced Starburst at a Collision Interface
during the First Encounter of Interacting Galaxies”, PASJ, 61, 481-.
6. Saitoh, T. R. and Makino, J. (2010) “FAST: A Fully Asynchronous Split
Time-Integrator for a Self-Gravitating Fluid”, PASJ, 62, 301-.
7. Matsui, H., Saitoh, T. R., Makino, J., Wada, K., Tomisaka, K., Kokubo, E.,
Daisaka, H., Okamoto, T., and Yoshida, N. (2012) “Origin of Multiple Nuclei
in Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies”, ApJ, 746, 26-.
8. Saitoh, T. R. and Makino, J. (2012) “A natural symmetrization for the
plummer potential”, NewA, 17, 76-81.
9. Baba, J., Saitoh, T. R., and Wada, K. (2013) “Dynamics of Non-steady Spiral
Arms in Disk Galaxies”, ApJ, 763, 46-.
10. Saitoh, T. R. and Makino, J. (2013) “A Density-independent Formulation of
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics”, ApJ, 768, 44-.
次世代スーパーコンピューティング・シンポジウム2008 ポスターセッション 最優秀賞
次世代スーパーコンピューティング・シンポジウム2009 ポスターセッション 審査員特別賞