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Genome Environment Database

森宙史,山田拓司,黒川顕(2013)ヒトメタゲノムの大規模コホート研究 (Large scale cohort study of human microbiome),生物の科学「遺伝」,67(3):279-282.

Sudo N, Soma A, Muto A, Iyoda S, Suh M, Kurihara N, Abe H, Tobe T, Ogura Y, Hayashi T, Kurokawa K, Ohinishi M, Sekine Y (2013) A novel small regulatory RNA accelerates cell motility in enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli. J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol. In press.

Sawabe T, Ogura Y, Matsumura Y, Gao F, Amin A, Mino S, Nakagawa S, Sawabe T, Kumar R, Fukui Y, Satomi M, Matsushima R, Thompson F, Gomez-Gil B, Christen R, Maruyama F, Kurokawa K, Hayashi T (2013) Updating the Vibrio clades defined by multilocus sequence phylogeny: Proposal of eight new clades, and the description of Vibrio tritonius sp. nov.. Frontiers in Aquatic Microbiol. 4:1-14. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2013.00414

Mori H, Maruyama F, Kato H, Toyoda A, Dozono A, Ohtsubo Y, Nagata Y, Fujiyama A, Tsuda M, Kurokawa K (2013) Design and experimental application of a novel non-degenerate universal primer set that amplifies prokaryotic 16S rRNA genes with a low possibility to amplify eukaryotic rRNA genes. DNA Res., Epub. doi:10.1093/dnares/dst052.

Zheng H., Bodington D., Zhang C., Miyanaga K., Tanji Y., Hongoh Y.*, Xing X.-H.* (2013) Comprehensive phylogenetic diversity of [FeFe]-hydrogenase genes in termite gut microbiota. Microbes and Environments (in press)

Nakabachi A.*, Ueoka R., Oshima K., Teta R., Mangoni A., Gurgui M., Oldham N.J., van Echten-Deckert G., Okamura K., Yamamoto K., Inoue H., Ohkuma M., Hongoh Y., Miyagishima S., Hattori M., Piel J., Fukatsu T. (2013) Defensive bacteriome symbiont with a drastically reduced genome. Current Biology 23: 1478-1484

Guichard P., Hachet V., Majubu N., Neves A., Demurtas D., Olieric N., Fluckiger I., Yamada A., Kihara K., Nishida Y., Moriya S., Steinmentz M.O., Hongoh Y., Gönczy P.* (2013) Native architecture of the centriole proximal region reveals novel features underlying their 9-fold radial symmetry. Current Biology 23: 1620-1628

Hattori S., Hongoh Y., Itoh T., Deevong P., Trakulnaleamsai S., Noparatnaraporn N., Kudo T., Ohkuma M. (2013) Sporomusa intestinalis sp. nov., a homoacetogenic bacterium isolated from the gut of a higher termite, Termes comis (Termitinae). Journal of General and Applied Microbiology 59: 321-324

Yamaguchi H., Nakayama T., Hongoh Y., Kawachi M., Inoue I. (2013) Molecular diversity of endosymbiotic Nephroselmis (Nephroselmidophyceae) in Hatena arenicola (Katablepharidophycota). Journal of Plant Research (in press)