Research & Activities


The Earth's Mantle and Core: Structure, Composition, Evolution.

November 4, 2015 - November 7, 2015

Dogo Prince Hotel (Matsuyama, Ehime)

The Earth's Mantle and Core.jpg


The goal of this workshop is to explore the question of structure, composition, and evolution of Earth's interior in light of recent advances in experimental and observational data. The topics we plan addressing are the origin of the core and mantle, the evolution from the magma ocean to the solid mantle and then to the present Earth, its bulk composition, the extent and scale of its heterogeneities, and innovations in exploratory research. This workshop is co-sponsored by Earth-Life Science Institue and MEXT Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas "Interaction and Coevolution of the Core and Mantle: Toward Integrated Deep Earth Science". We are planning to have ~35-40 talks and ~20-60 posters.


Dogo Prince Hotel (Matsuyama, Ehime, Japan)
The Earth's Mantle and Core02.jpg
The meeting will be hosted this autumn at a Japanese hot-spring resort (http://www.dogoprince.co.jp/) located in Matsuyama, on the island of Shikoku.
Access: http://earth.sci.ehime-u.ac.jp/~ichikawa/tmp/Dogo/access.pdf

There is shuttle bus (460 yen (Taxi: ~3000 yen)) from Matsuyama airport to Dogo onsen station (~500 m from Dogo prince hotel) (http://www.iyotetsu.co.jp/bus/global/en/).

The facility is a traditional inn with a hot spring that will facilitate interactions in the official sessions and spare unscheduled time. There will also be opportunity for short excursions to nearby touristical sights in Matsuyama.


~8500 yen per night in Dogo Prince Hotel (with breakfast, ~3 persons in one room) or booking a hotel room in Matsuyama on your own choice (for example, http://www.booking.com/ ).

Conference dinner

November 5th, ~6000 yen.


・Registration (September, 17th)
・Submission of abstract (18:00 (9:00 GMT)) at October, 20th)
Those who has ELSI ID (https://members.elsi.jp), Others (http://members.elsi.jp/signup/ehime-­‐ws-­‐2015?ml_lang=en)

If you are unable to upload your abstract, please send your abstract by email to ws@core-mantle.jp


Please feel free to contact us below if you have any questions:





Invited speakers

Anat Shahar Geophysical Lab., Carnegie Inst. Washington
Dapeng Zhao Tohoku Univ.
Daisuke Yamazaki Okayama Univ.
John Brodholt Univ. College London
Brian Kennett Australian National Univ.
Steve Dye Hawaii Pacific Univ.
Eiji Ohtani Tohoku Univ.
Craig Bina Northwestern Univ.
Stéphane Labrosse ENS Lyon
Lauren Waszek Univ. Cambridge
Ronald Cohen Carnegie Inst. Washington
Guillaume Morard Institut de Mineralogie et de Physique des Milieux Condenses

Science Organizing Committee

Scientific chair
George Helffrich Earth Life Science Institute (Tokyo Tech.)
Tetsuo Irifune Geodynamics Research Center (Ehime Univ.)
Organizers (GRC/ELSI)
Hiroki Ichikawa Chair
Steeve Gréaux Co-chair
Masayuki Nishi
Haruhiko Dekura
Vincenzo Stagno
Wei Du
Takehiro Kunimoto
Xiong Zhihua