ELSI Seminar
ELSI Seminar is an occasional seminar in which a visitor/guest gives a talk on their research.
Although date and time can be determined by the host of the visitor/guest in accordance with the speaker’s schedule, we recommend the slot starting at 3:30 on Fridays as a guideline. If you have a visitor or guest and wish to schedule an ELSI Seminar, please send an e-mail to the seminar organizers (elsi-talks_at_elsi.jp).
ELSI Seminar is usually about 1 hour with questions and discussions (max 1.5 hour). The speaker should give a broad introduction of their research so that ELSI members who are from diverse fields are able to follow the context. The host of the speaker is responsible for obtaining the title and abstract of their visitor's talk and sending it to the seminar organizers. On the day of the ELSI Seminar, the host should chair the seminar and promote the flow of discussions.
Travel support for speakers can be easily arranged if the total cost (transportation cost, accommodation fee, per diem etc.) is less than JPY50,000 and our budget is available. Please send an e-mail to Seminar Organizers (elsi-talks_at_elsi.jp). The e-mail should contain the following information.
* Visitor’s name and affiliation
* Estimated cost (it should be less than JPY 50,000)
* Date of ELSI seminar or ELSI Forum (if scheduled)
If the total cost is above JPY50,000, travel support can be requested via Research Interactions Committee (ri-committee_at_elsi.jp) using the official visitor request form (which can be found in ELSI redmine.)
ELSI Seminar is usually about 1 hour with questions and discussions (max 1.5 hour). The speaker should give a broad introduction of their research so that ELSI members who are from diverse fields are able to follow the context. The host of the speaker is responsible for obtaining the title and abstract of their visitor's talk and sending it to the seminar organizers. On the day of the ELSI Seminar, the host should chair the seminar and promote the flow of discussions.
Travel support for speakers can be easily arranged if the total cost (transportation cost, accommodation fee, per diem etc.) is less than JPY50,000 and our budget is available. Please send an e-mail to Seminar Organizers (elsi-talks_at_elsi.jp). The e-mail should contain the following information.
* Visitor’s name and affiliation
* Estimated cost (it should be less than JPY 50,000)
* Date of ELSI seminar or ELSI Forum (if scheduled)
If the total cost is above JPY50,000, travel support can be requested via Research Interactions Committee (ri-committee_at_elsi.jp) using the official visitor request form (which can be found in ELSI redmine.)