New Format of Researchers' Interview Movies Has Been Developed
At the ELSI PR Office, we are working on a project to develop a new format of interview video for introduction of researchers, and the prototype has been completed. This time, the interview footage to three people was released, Hidenori Genda (Associate Professor: Planet formation theory), Marine Lasbleis (Researcher: Deep Earth geodynamics), Tomohiro Mochizuki (Researcher: Environmental virology) as prototype of the newly developed format.
Relationship among 16 Questions
Audience Find Relationship among Answers of Different Researchers
[Lists of the Movies]
Watch movies by each question
1. My Research
Explain your research briefly.
2. Adjacent Research
What are the "adjacent research fields" of your own?
3. Broader Area
What is the broader research area including your own?
4. Research Questions
What is the most important reseach question in your current research activities?
5. Ultimate Goal
What is your "ultimate goal or purpose"?
6. I Can Do!
If you collaborate with someone, what kind of contribution can you offer to them?
7. Help!
When you promote your own research, is there anyone who can probably help you much?
8. Basis
What kind of other researches support or give basis for your own?
9. Applicability
What are other research or non-research areas which your reseach can be helpful for?
10. Theories
What kind of "theories" or "frame of thinking" support your own research?
11. Subjects
What is the "subject" of your research?
12. Methods
What are "methods" or "methodologies" used in your own research?
13. Devices/Tools/Materials
What kind of devices, tools, or materials you use?
14. Challenge
What is the most challenging scientific "barrier" against your research?
15. Joy
What is the happiest moment in your research life?
16. Collaboration
What kind of themes or collaborators do you want to chose?
Watch all movies
List of all questions
Watch movies by each researcher
1. Hidenori Genda (Associate Professor: Planet formation theory)
2. Marine Lasbleis (Researcher: Deep Earth geodynamics)
3. Tomohiro Mochizuki (Researcher: Environmental virology)
Please give us your comments for the movies to the e-mail address below.