Research Highlights
Ryuichi Nomura won the SPRUC 2014 Young Scientist Award
Ryuichi Nomura won the SPRUC 2014 Young Scientist Award. The SPRUC 2014 Young Science Award (YSA) is given to a young scientist who is recognized as having established a notable achievement in the development of a new experimental technique or a new method for data analysis, or having achieved remarkable results in the studied field by making use of the characteristic features of SPring-8.
By using several state-of-the-art facilities of SPring-8, Nomura has succeeded in clarifying various new properties of the Earth's deep materials under very high-pressure and high-temperature conditions. Among them are the application of tomography to the tiny sample recovered from high P - T experiments and succeeded in determining the melting temperature of multi-component system, and spin state observation to clarify the concentration mechanism of iron to the melt. These results were published in highly rated international journals as a first author, which indicates that he is a promising young scientist in the field of high-pressure Earth science. (from SPring-8 webpage)
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