Event Report
The 2nd ELSI talk live was held at the ELSI
On Thursday, November 6, 2014, the second 'ELSI Talk Live' event was held in the 1st floor Communication Room at ELSI.
Associate Professor Masashi Aono gave a lecture titled "Investigating the origins of life with Amoeba-inspired computing."
Despite the windy weather conditions of that day, many students from Masahi Aono's field of complex systems science and members of the general public of a wide range of ages from near and far stopped by to attend this event.
Masashi Aono created a open atmosphere that encouraged participants to ask questions throughout his talk. Before the talk began, one student perused the distributed write-up of the talk and worried that it would be "over his head" but at the end left with a smile saying that he found it "SO interesting!" We in the ELSI PR office are inspired by such stories. This is why we do outreach.
ELSI research spans multiple disciplines, with our members working with large-scale simulations using super computers to hands-on fieldwork and conducting laboratory experiments, all working towards the goal of making progress in the origin of Earth and origins of life research.
'ELSI Talk Live' is an event that makes our research accessible to the participants as well as a chance for us to get feedback and interact with a wider group than the usual traffic at ELSI. Thursday's event accomplished that.