132 Fifteen days on the Ikegami Line
Author: Pushkar Kopparla
The ELSI symposium was unique in many ways. It was the first conference in a long time where all the attendees sat in on...
March 31, 2016
131 My Adventure in Japan
Author: Giada Arney
When my advisor, Dr. Victoria Meadows, suggested I come to Japan with her for the 4th ELSI International Symposium, I co...
March 17, 2016
130 The Interdisciplinary Environment at ELSI
Author: Lewis Ward
My name is Lewis Ward, and I'm a Geobiology PhD student at the California Institute of Technology. In January 2016 I was...
March 10, 2016
129 The frozen city
Author: Elizabeth Tasker
The most exciting part of attending the 4th ELSI International Symposium was the ability to walk down the street. OK, pe...
March 3, 2016
128 Adventure and Collaboration at ELSI
Author: Kristin Johnson
Currently, I am in the final year of my PhD at Arizona State University working with Dr. Everett Shock researching the t...
February 25, 2016