142 Origin of Life: Puzzles and Solutions in Astr...
Author: Yamei Li
(Photo by Nerissa Escanlar) I joined ELSI as a research scientist nearly a half year ago, in December 2017, so many thin...
June 20, 2018

141 A Martian geochemist's journey to the asteroi...
Author: Tomohiro Usui
(Credit: JAXA/Akihiro Ikeshita) The arrival of the Hayabusa2 spacecraft to asteroid Ryugu (around the end of June 2018) ...
May 31, 2018

140 Hello students. Welcome to my dungeon
Author: Ramon Brasser
In the early spring I was advised to take a drastic step to improve my CV and thereby my chances to land a long-term job...
December 7, 2017

139 My One Month in Japan
Author: Luliia Myrgorodska
After almost an entire "Game of Thorns" season, my plane was finally landing in the Land of the Raising Sun, a part of t...
December 1, 2016

138 "Roughing it" in Wakayama: My first time in t...
Author: Katie Petrie
As an experimental molecular and microbiologist by training, I have spent my entire scientific career safely ensconced i...
October 21, 2016