107 ELSI Members Find Home Away from Home at AbSc...
Author: John Hernlund
This post is about an "astrobiology" conference several ELSI members recently attended, and I thought I would first give...
July 30, 2015

106 The Merit of Peer Review - For Better or Wors...
Author: Ramon Brasser
As scientists here at ELSI, we all know the importance of the peer reviews of the papers that we want to publish in high...
July 23, 2015

105 ELSIで日本語を習うのは楽しいです (Learning Japanese at ELSI...
Maxim and Silke Ballmer
One year ago, when we arrived in Tokyo, Silke and I did not know much about Japanese culture and language. So, we were p...
July 16, 2015

104 ELSI Japanese Classes
Author: Sayaka Price
ELSI has been offering our own in-house Japanese language classes since October 2013, of which I am the proud instructor...
July 9, 2015

103 Fireworks!
Author: Kyoko Akiyama
Hi everyone! I would like to use this blog as a way to introduce myself and also introduce some great activities in Japa...
June 25, 2015