137 Postdoctoral Research at ELSI
Author: Nancy Merino
As an Environmental Engineering Ph.D. student, I became inspired to switch fields and conduct research on the origins o...
September 26, 2016

136 Stepping Out Your Door
Author: Stuart Bartlett
Before arriving, I had heard an intimidating range of words used to describe the land of the rising sun. Having never ev...
August 8, 2016

135 Summer in Japan
Author: Kyoko Akiyama
Suddenly the hot and humid summer of Japan has started. But this does not have to mean that there is only suffering! I w...
July 15, 2016

134 A gauge of how Japanese I am
Author: Soko Matsumura
Culture shock was one of the things I worried about when I left Japan to do a graduate study in North America. Surprisin...
June 24, 2016

133 Why do science in Japan?
Author: Ramon Brasser
A few times I have been asked by colleagues why I decided to move to Japan and do science there rather than in Europe or...
May 27, 2016