67 People's Climate March
Author: Piet Hut
Last Sunday, the largest climate march in history took place in New York. On September 21, 2014, more than 400,000 peopl...
September 25, 2014
66 My Month in Japan
Author: Steve Vance
Returning to Japan, this time for the entire month of July, I was greeted by the now familiar smell of Cedar and the sou...
September 18, 2014
65 Planetary Evolution and Life
Author: Tilman Spohn
On August 1st, 2014 Doris Breuer, her daughter Nizara and I had the pleasure of visiting ELSI and I had the privilege of...
September 4, 2014
64 A Constellation of Projects at the MOL Worksh...
Author: Nicholas Guttenberg
Two blog posts ago, Nathaniel Virgo reported about the intial part of a five-week workshop on Modeling Origins of Life (...
August 28, 2014
63 ELSI: A Transformer
Author: Rajat Banerjee
I am visiting ELSI from Kolkata, India. I work as Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology and Dr. B. C. Guha Ce...
August 21, 2014