63 ELSI: A Transformer
I am visiting ELSI from Kolkata, India. I work as Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology and Dr. B. C. Guha Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology at University of Calcutta. Our research in India is mainly focused on protein structure-function relationship with special reference to aminoacyl-tRNA systhetases.
My path to ELSI began when I heard a seminar from Kiga-san's lab (Dr. Daisuke Kiga) in the tRNA meeting in Portugal back in 2010. Kiga-san also is working on aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, however his research topic is very interesting. He wants to develop active protein with less than standard 20 amino acids. I approached Kiga-san for a possible joint proposal submission around middle of 2012 based on an announcement by Indo-Japan scientific collaboration. He gladly agreed and we wrote the proposal. In addition, he also had offered me to apply as JSPS long-term fellow to visit his lab. We wrote another project on mimivirus tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase (TyrRSapm). Fortunately, our project was sanctioned by JSPS and I got the opportunity to visit Japan, Kiga-san's lab and ELSI.
Life at ELSI is a life-transforming event for me. I arrived here in January and the transformation unveiled itself along with the seasonal change in Tokyo. The first noticeable change I observed was that you never feel new at ELSI. From day one, you are a part of it. The discussions during coffee time are open and free flowing, covering science to culture, from sports to movies. Sometimes I enjoyed it simply as a spectator.
The true interdisciplinary nature of ELSI research also has helped me to understand broader aspect of origin of life research. Attending seminars and lunch talks help me to grasp a few glimpses of geophysics, geochemistry, hydro-thermal vents, high-pressure experiments, etc. I had no idea about such diversities related to origin of life before my ELSI life.
Another interesting aspect of ELSI is the option to attend the Japanese language classes offered here. Whenever you participate in these, you will find a space to learn and align yourself to the learning process without effort. Though I do not feel I have learned a lot of Japanese, twice a week, I have been enjoying the fun-filled and engaging classes.
I witnessed many big events, seminars and lots of visitors at ELSI. I am mesmerized by the seamless operation and overwhelming support from all the administrative staff members at ELSI who make these events successful.
I would like to thank Kiga-san for hosting me as a JSPS fellow and also Amikura-san for his continuous help during experiments throughout my visit.
The other nice thing added to ELSI's crown is its neighborhood. Particularly, if I walk down the road for 8-10 minute, the Senzoku-ike Lake will appear as a tranquil and serene place to visit. This place has made my life very special in ELSI. I spend several hours sometimes during the weekend just sitting beside the lake in serenity without feeling lonely, away from my family.
I strongly believe that there are many other hidden jewels in ELSI that will be unfolded in near future.