ELSI lab rule book

Table of contents

0. general rule (summary)

1. safety rules that can apply to all labs

• Lab cleanliness:
• Handling chemical:
• Handling gas:

2. safety rules specific to ELSI’s labs and equipment

3. ELSI management rules

• ELSI Lab Unit (Lab map) Administrator / Evacuation procedure
• purchase and management of chemicals (chart)
• IASO system
• waste: flow charts for waste
• visitors: forms for registering visitors

4. emergency contacts and procedures (pdf)

5. training for new members (2p)

Goal of an ELSI lab rule book:

1. simplified general safety rules that can apply to all labs
2. safety rules specific to ELSI’s labs and equipment
3. ELSI management rules: visitors, waste, IASO, Titech rules...
4. emergency contacts and procedures
5. training for new members