12 The Easily Motivated (and beer loving) Scient...
Hanako Ricciardi
It all began with ELSI PIs Ken Kurokawa and Piet Hut, senior administrator Yoshi Kobayashi and me in a meeting. By the t...
August 1, 2013
11 Ready to find a groove at ELSI
John Hernlund
My family is preparing our big move to ELSI in Tokyo, where my wife Christine Houser and I will be working full-time be...
July 29, 2013
10 Deep Earth and Outer Space
Piet Hut
During the last ELSI seminar, on July 17, our Director Kei Hirose gave a talk about his work on the structure of the cor...
July 25, 2013
9 Habitable Trinity
James Dohm
On behalf of the ELSI effort, we (Dohm and Maruyama) proposed a new concept that goes beyond follow-the-water paradigm i...
July 22, 2013
8 The Day Earth Smiled
Yuka Fujii
Do you know what you will be doing on July 19th 21:27 to 21:42 UTC, or July 20th 6:27 to 6:42 JST? Most of us will live ...
July 19, 2013