132 Fifteen days on the Ikegami Line
Author: Pushkar Kopparla
The ELSI symposium was unique in many ways. It was the first conference in a long time where all the attendees sat in on...
March 31, 2016
131 My Adventure in Japan
Author: Giada Arney
When my advisor, Dr. Victoria Meadows, suggested I come to Japan with her for the 4th ELSI International Symposium, I co...
March 17, 2016
130 The Interdisciplinary Environment at ELSI
Author: Lewis Ward
My name is Lewis Ward, and I'm a Geobiology PhD student at the California Institute of Technology. In January 2016 I was...
March 10, 2016
129 The frozen city
Author: Elizabeth Tasker
The most exciting part of attending the 4th ELSI International Symposium was the ability to walk down the street. OK, pe...
March 3, 2016