118 ELSI Workshop: The Earth's Mantle and Core
From November 4-7 2015, the Geodynamic Research Center and ELSI co-organized an international workshop in Matsuyama (Ehime prefecture) on the current views on structure, composition and evolution of the Earth's interior. More than 50 participants were present to enjoy both this exciting event and the numerous hot spring baths of the area.
Matsuyama Castle
The main hotel and conference center were located in the middle of a touristic part of town, close to pedestrian shopping streets and the famous Dogo Onsen. Many japanese tourists, walking along in their Yukata robes that are the typical dress of a hot spring town, left us with a relatively relaxed atmosphere to work in. The participants who came to Japan for the first time enjoyed the experience. Some were able to visit us in Tokyo afterwards, to get collaborations going.
Scientifically speaking, the meeting was a good way for the different Earth science communities to exchange and share in our common problems and clear misconceptions. Material sciences and the challenges of seismic imaging of the mantle were an important part of the meeting. The composition of the core and its dynamic evolution have also been discussed.
The traditional conference banquet seeded lively discussions about light elements in the core but also the role of samurai in Japanese history. Finally, possible insights from geo-neutrino measurements have been presented. Overall a great way to tie the community together and join distant colleagues for small, intense work sessions! I am looking forward to seeing everyone's progress at the next meeting!