61 Precious Time at ELSI, Every Afternoon!
Author: Kumiko Kihara
Hi, I'm Kumiko Kihara, a researcher at ELSI. My research field is symbiosis and evolution. I would like to infer the ori...
July 31, 2014

60 Not-So-Lazy Days of Summer
Author: Yutetsu Kuruma
As Jim Cleaves introduced in the previous blog, this July has been lined with intense weeks for researchers in the Origi...
July 24, 2014

59 Origins 2014 in Nara
Jim Cleaves
The origin, or "origins" of life as many people prefer (the significance of the distinction being, as I understand it tw...
July 17, 2014

58 Building and Strengthening the Bridge between...
Chie Kato & Hanako Ricciardi
Chie Kato is in Hirose Lab, a 2nd year Masters course student at the Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences. Hanako Ricci...
July 11, 2014

57 Opportunities to Learn
Nao Yamamoto
Nao Yamamoto (right) with her lab mate Hello, everyone! My name is Nao Yamamoto. I am a senior and studying Biological ...
July 2, 2014