15 ELSI - Perspectives of a visiting spouse
Carrie Lindsay
Me at the vermillion gates of Hie Shrine My husband Jon and I arrived at ELSI at the beginning of May for a month-long ...
August 19, 2013

14 Metadisciplinary Research
Piet Hut
A few weeks ago, Ken Kurokawa, vice director of ELSI, gave a fascinating talk about his use of metadata, in a seminar ti...
August 8, 2013

13 My Two and a Half Weeks at ELSI
Elena Palmieri
Being invited to visit the Earth-Life Science Institute in place of Professor Gunter von Kiedrowski, my Ph.D. supervisor...
August 5, 2013

12 The Easily Motivated (and beer loving) Scient...
Hanako Ricciardi
It all began with ELSI PIs Ken Kurokawa and Piet Hut, senior administrator Yoshi Kobayashi and me in a meeting. By the t...
August 1, 2013

11 Ready to find a groove at ELSI
John Hernlund
My family is preparing our big move to ELSI in Tokyo, where my wife Christine Houser and I will be working full-time be...
July 29, 2013